
As the winter season approaches, businesses must brace themselves for potential disruptions, especially concerning their internet connectivity. With snowstorms, freezing temperatures, and harsh weather conditions looming, the risk of internet outages escalates. This scenario can wreak havoc on businesses, causing downtime, loss of productivity, and hindering critical operations.

In today’s digital age, a stable internet connection is the lifeblood of almost every business. Whether it’s communicating with clients, accessing cloud-based services, or conducting online transactions, uninterrupted internet access is vital. Consequently, having a backup internet provider with a diverse point of entry becomes a strategic necessity rather than an optional luxury.

Diverse entry points refer to multiple paths or connections through which internet service is delivered to a business location. Relying solely on a single internet service provider (ISP) or connection method, such as fiber optic cables, can leave a business vulnerable to service interruptions during adverse weather conditions. That’s where the importance of a diverse entry approach comes into play.

One innovative solution that stands out, particularly in ensuring diverse entry points and offering reliable connectivity even in inclement weather, is fixed wireless internet. Unlike traditional wired connections, fixed wireless operates by transmitting data between two fixed points through radio signals, bypassing the need for physical cables.

Here’s why fixed wireless serves as the key solution for businesses seeking a reliable backup internet provider with diverse entry points:

  1. Redundancy and Reliability: Fixed wireless internet provides redundancy by offering an alternative route for data transmission. Even if one path encounters issues due to weather-related problems or technical faults, the other paths can ensure continuity of service.
  2. Quick Deployment and Flexibility: Installing fixed wireless doesn’t involve lengthy construction or laying cables, making it a quick and flexible solution. This agility is crucial during emergencies or when swift action is required to establish a backup connection.
  3. Resilience Against Weather Challenges: Winter storms often disrupt physical infrastructure, leading to severed cables or power outages. Fixed wireless, being immune to such physical disruptions, ensures business continuity even when traditional wired connections fail.
  4. Scalability and Cost-Effectiveness: Fixed wireless solutions are scalable, allowing businesses to adjust their bandwidth requirements as needed. Moreover, the initial setup costs and maintenance expenses associated with fixed wireless are often more cost-effective compared to other backup internet solutions.

When selecting a provider for backup internet services with diverse entry points, it’s essential to partner with a reliable and forward-thinking company. Look for an ISP that specializes in fixed wireless solutions and offers robust infrastructure with multiple points of entry to maximize redundancy.

In conclusion, with winter’s unpredictable challenges looming, businesses must prioritize resilience in their internet connectivity strategy. Embracing fixed wireless technology as a key component of a backup internet plan with diverse entry points can safeguard businesses against disruptions, ensuring continued operations and maintaining productivity even in the harshest weather conditions. By doing so, businesses can navigate the winter season with confidence, knowing their connectivity remains steadfast and reliable regardless of external circumstances.

If your business is in need of a dedicated primary or backup internet solution call Towerstream today 866.848.5848 or email sales@towerstream.com.