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E-Rate Discount Program for Schools & Libraries

Towerstream: The Experienced E-Rate Provider

For over 20 years Towerstream has been providing high-speed dedicated internet access to schools, libraries, and educational institutions in support of the next generation of learning initiatives. As technology continues to transform the ways in which we all learn, adapt, and interact, it truly shapes the educational experience for both teachers and students alike. As an experienced E-Rate provider, Towerstream has helped hundreds of schools and libraries find the right high-speed bandwidth solution to support the organization’s current and future connectivity needs. Find out today if your school or library qualifies for funding through the federal E-Rate program and our experienced E-Rate Specialists will be glad to assist you in finding you the right solution.

Towerstream SPIN Number is 143024178


What is E-Rate?

As part of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, E-Rate subsidizes the cost of Telecommunications Services, Internet Access and Internal Connections. The Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund, commonly know as “E-Rate,” is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Co (USAC) under the direction of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and provides discounts to assist most schools and libraries in the United States to obtain affordable telecommunications and Internet access. The Federal E-Rate program allows eligible schools and libraries to receive funding of 20–90% on most telecommunications services.


Learn More about E-Rate and Apply Today!

Towerstream is an experienced E-Rate provider. Contact Us Today for details:

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E-Rate FAQ’s.

What is E-Rate?

The E-rate (short for education rate) is a program administered by the Federal Communications Commission that pays for telecommunications services and related equipment for the nation’s K-12 schools and public libraries. The FCC began awarding E-rate aid in 1998.

Who can apply for E-rate?
  • Schools and school districts
  • Libraries and library systems
  • Consortia-groups of eligible entities that band together to aggregate demand and negotiate lower prices

Discounts range from 20% to 90% of eligible costs. The discount for a school or library depends on:

  • percentage of eligibility of students for National School Lunch Program
  • urban or rural location of school or library

For more information, please use the link below to access the USAC website:
USAC website

What is the E-rate filing process?
  1. Filing of the FCC form 470 starts the mandatory 28-day period for accepting proposals based on the applicant’s (school/library) request for proposal (RFP).
  2. After applicants choose a service provider, they file the FCC form 471. Service providers can assist applicants with the FCC form 471, especially with the description of service filed separately from the form (the item 21 attachment). This is the actual request for funds.
  3. Applications undergo a review of their FCC form(s) 471 by program integrity assurance (PIA). Service providers can assist applicants with answers to technical questions during the PIA review.
  4. After USAC reaches a funding decision, both the applicant and the service provider will receive a funding commitment decision letter (FCDL). USAC issues the FCDL to announce its decision on funding requests.
  5. FCC form 486 notifies USAC that services have started. It also certifies to USAC that a technology plan has been approved and the applicant is in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). At this point, your service provider may begin discounting invoices or processing BEARs.

Note: Form 486 must be submitted by an applicant within 120 days from when services begin or when a funding commitment is issued, whichever is later.   Unfortunately, missing this deadline can result in a reduction of funding.

What is Towerstream's SPIN Number?

Towerstream’s Service Provider Identification number (SPIN) is 143024178.